
Allen® Uniced White Cupcake (#05371)
Bettercreme® Vanilla Icing, 10 24-oz Bags
Bettercreme® Pink Icing, 15 12-oz Bags

Chef Notes

Decorating Tips: Large #827 open star cupcake tip, wide easy ice tip, and large #125 rose tip Additional Supplies: 1/4 sheet cake board Note: You can airbrush this in a pearl shimmer to add an extra special touch


Arrange cupcakes on board to take the shape of a dress
Using #827 star tip, pipe large rosettes on each cupcake (be sure to make the rosettes large enough to completely cover the cupcakes)
Pipe a belt on the dress with a wide easy ice tip in Pink Bettercreme Icing
Make a large rose with #125 rose tip in Vanilla Bettercreme Icing and place to one side of the belt